Our men's refuges
For men seeking support and advice
Do you experience psychological pressure, physical violence or both at home? Does your partner withhold money, food or contact with friends from you?
You are not alone, because around 20 percent of intimate partner violence in Germany affects men. You can talk about it on the phone or contact them by email at the locations marked on the interactive map. The markers also include counselling centres for men affected by sexualised violence.
Help and advice for women
Are you a woman affected by domestic violence? You can find help here:
There is an almost invisible side to male violence that goes beyond brawls in soccer fan blocks or on so-called ‘men's days’. This is when men are affected by violence in their homes. There, too, they suffer psychological pressure, economic violence, isolation, blows, knocks, kicks or objects being thrown at them. Men file about one in five reports of violence within a partnership.
The broader term ‘domestic violence’ also includes violence by siblings, adult children or parents. Almost one in three reports of violence in these relationships is filed by men. According to the Federal Criminal Police Office, more than 70,000 men were affected by domestic violence in 2022. That's enough to fill almost two soccer stadiums.
But very few of the men affected seek the help they need and to which they are entitled under the Protection against Violence Act. Shame, prejudice, taboos, patriarchal structures and a poorly developed, little-known support system prevent them from doing so.
The Federal Agency and Coordination Office on Men's Violence (BFKM) has set itself the goal of changing this. We work together with women's aid organisations and owe them a great deal of know-how and experience gained from decades of commitment. If necessary, every person affected should have access to counselling or a place in a shelter near them. Background, gender, sexuality or religious beliefs do not play a role.
About us
Help and advice for victims of sexual abuse
Have you been sexually abused? You can find help here:
Holger Janzen
spent five years in an abusive marriage to protect his children
Tobias Schiefer
responsible for the men's refuges in North Rhine-Westphalia
affected by sexual abuse in the family at the age of 14
victim of psychological violence in a relationship
Tami Weissenberg
was affected by domestic violence for 10 years and founded a men's refuge
psychologically harassed and stalked by his partner, and thrown out of their shared apartment with only the clothes on his back
René Pickhardt
previously affected by domestic violence
Sascha Möckel
Men's counsellor
Maxi Huster
Men's counsellor
coordinates advice services for men
personal stories
Further advice services for men
Support the equipping of men's refuges with your donation to the LAG Jungen- und Männerarbeit Sachsen e.V. (Saxony Association for Work with Boys and Men).
donations account: IBAN: DE06850503000221096752 • BIC OSDDDE81XXX